This past weekend, I spent a wonderful weekend with my mom and sister. We left on Friday and headed for Erie, Pennsylvania. I must tell you, my little Buddaroo was so sick with a stomach flu, leaving my little man was so difficult, but knew he was in good hands and it turns out, that night he made a turn and had a pretty good weekend with DH and HoneyPie...Anyway - back to my mini-vacay.
Armed with a load of American cash,

we crossed the border and prepared ourselves for a crapload of shopping. We made really great time, probably because my sister is the fastest driver I have ever seen ;) I held tightly onto the door handle for most of our trip (I kid, I kid). Our first stop was Millcreek Mall in Erie - located on Peach St, it was right down the street from our hotel. I wasn't super impressed with the mall, I had heard good things about it - but I think with the economy, a lot of stores were closed down - especially in the food court - this was the most disappointing since we were starving for lunch when we arrived. I said to myself that I was really going to "try" to be good this weekend with my eating. Eating out is always hard when you're trying to lose weight - so for lunch that day, and at Grove City I chose Subway - was super yummy...and good for my points.
So we did some wandering - didn't buy too much there - Got DH 2 Affliction t-shirts and me...a super cute zester. A lot of my new recipes call for zest of lemon or zest of orange - and I never add it - but NOW, I have a zester...and it's cute! We hit a bunch of box stores, like Target, Best Buy, Payless, Kohls etc. Got some cute stuff - a pair of Chuck Taylor All Star's, a few really cute shirts.
From there, we went and checked into our hotel - Country Inns and Suites. Was nice - an older hotel, but with a huge room, pool, hot tub and free breakfast. We were a bit tired and laid around for a tiny bit before heading to dinner at Applebee's.
We ordered some yummy drinks. Mom, a Skinny Margarita,

Jenn a Blue Coconut Margarita and myself, a Pomegranite Margarita that came IN a shaker...that could have filled my glass 3 times. OY! We ordered a great appetizer platter to share - so yum...and I had the Orange Chicken Bowl (the same one I raved about last year at this same time...although this time, it wasn't as tasty).

After dinner we did a bit more exploring and then turned into the hotel - an hour of TV and then hit the hay...we knew the next day was going to be a busy one.
Up bright and early and headed down for breakfast - for free! Mapquest directions said Grove City was about 1hr7m away...but I'm sure we made it there in 40mins. We were pumped and ready to spend, spend, spend. I got so much spring/summer stuff for the kids - and a few things for me - my #1 on my wish list was COACH! I added to my collection a small burnt orange purse and a light coloured wallet. Can now count my Coach purse collection on 2 hands =D Whoo hoo! LOL

We did the outlets in about 4.5 hours - tired we hit the road back to Erie and did a bit more shopping once there. Dinner at Ponderosa, and then some stops along the way. Man, when we got back to the hotel we were exhausted. We tried to stay up for a movie...but lights out by 10:30.
It was so nice to spend a weekend away with my mom and sister. My sis and I spend girl time together more often, so it was really great to spend some personal time with my Mom. We had such a fun time, the 3 of us - the laughs...OMG! My Mom kills me some times. We are already looking forward to our trip next year - not sure where - but a weekend away for sure.
And I leave you with a photo of the goods...And be certain I DID NOT go over the $400 limit for items brought back to Canada (Ha, I kid, I kid! LOL)

Also - may as well fill you in on last night's weigh in...So with a week of no exercise due to Buddaroo's illness taking up all of my time, and indulging on some really tasty and super fattening dinners...I sadly gained 3.2 this week (BUT, I also may have screwed myself by weighing in last week first thing in the morning instead of in the evening). So - this week, I vow to get my exercise back on track, keep on the WW program and hopefully lose what I gained this past week. Cross your fingers for me =D