I remember first seeing this photo, and I said to DH, "Look at her, how awesome...and see, she even has a belly like mine" A little loose and hangy...mine from carrying 2 large babies and delivering them by c-sections. What a beautiful photo - of a beautiful woman.
After readers came across this photo, Glamour was hit with thousands of e-mails "They were filled with such joy–joy at seeing a woman’s body with all the curves and quirks and rolls found in nature. (Raising a question: With all the six-packs out there, do you even know what a normal belly looks like anymore–other than the one you see in the mirror?)"
And really, how many of us have been that girl? I know I have, flipping through magazines trying to find just one person who looked a little bit like me. And when I don't find it I start to think there’s something wrong with the way that I look. For decades, magazines have featured models who are sizes 0 or 2...which in turn makes the average young girl / woman look at their own bodies with disgust, hatred and envy...to be as beautiful as the models shown in fashion magazines.
When I picked up the new issue of Glamour last night I was so happy...inside was something that I have never seen in a magazine before. After all of the positive reaction of Lizzie's picture, Glamour has been making the effort to push the boundaries of accepted beauty norms this month with a photo shoot featuring all plus-sized models...in the nude!!!!!

It's about time we see women who look more like the average woman, And Glamour has vowed to push forward by sending this message to young women especially those who are reading their magazine :
There are a million different ways to be beautiful. You don't have to be born pin thin. Whether you're voluptuous or lean, however you're made is the right way for you.
The simplest way to change the outlook on body confidence is to judge one another, and ourselves, less. Let’s start that change right now.