While visiting my parents today, they asked me if I had seen the new "tween-age Dora"...I hadn't even heard anything about it, so they threw me over the paper where I saw this super cute older-looking Dora...along with the headline
"New tween-age Dora has some wondering what she's exploring". WHAT? Are you serious? Personally, I thought the tagline sounds perverse and inappropriate...so I decided to peruse the article to read what else they had to say about this adorable new doll from Matell. And here is what I found:
"In TV land, parental involvement is a two-way-sword, as Mattel discovered this week. It's new "tween" version of the Dora the Explorer cartoon character to be unveiled in the fall prompted a wave of criticism. Comments included "Dora the streetwalker. A sexed up version of a children's icon. A poor example for kids."
The bricks began to fly after Mattel released a silhouette of the "new Dora", whose image was changed from the tomboy look with bowl-cut hairdo, to the new Dora wearing what appeared to be a scanty skirt, emphasizing her long, shapely legs.
"Did Mattel turn Dora the Explorer into a Tramp? read The Huffington Post.
Mattel and Nickelodeon say the new Dora is not replacing the Dora the Explorer cartoon, but will be a new interactive doll aimed at the five- to eight-year old or tween market. Somehow, that doesn't seem all that reassuring."
Take from The Hamilton Spectator, March 21, 2009, Brent LawsonAfter reading this, I must say I was appalled.
"Dora the streetwalker",
"sexed up version",
"Dora into a tramp. I really wonder what sort of people think those things from looking at this picture:

Does this picture show Dora to have "long, shapely legs"? Um...NO, and to be honest, what type of person would make a comment like that about a "10yr old girl" anyway? What sort of person would think that she is SEXY? I have a pretty good idea, but will not go there....Is she wearing a "scanty skirt"? NOPE, it's a tunic with leggings...EXACTLY what kids these days are wearing. And in all honesty, it's a lot less revealing than what some of the girls are wearing these days, but that is another blog post. Dora is wearing cute little ballet flats and her original flower necklace and bracelet. I think she is adorable!
I have read a lot of articles online after reading about this new Dora Doll. I am seriously outraged! As a mother, I have NO issues with this doll whatsoever. I think that there are not enough age appropriate dolls out there for this age group...which in turn pushes young girls to dolls such as BRATZ - - (dressed in stilettos, mini skirts, revealing shirts and camis)

Taken from: theage.com.au - - and Hannah Montana, which is far too old for this age group.
Hannah Montana:
Taken from: theage.com.auWhich is played by the 16 year old wannabe actress Miley Cyrus....this is what the kids are seeing:
Taken from: upsmiley.blogspot.com

Taken from: evilbeetgossip.film.com What parents would rather their child play with Bratz dolls and Hannah Montana dolls than a sweet little doll like this new Dora. Seriously! What a flippin joke!
I think Mattel and Nickelodeon have come up with a great new doll. "For nearly ten years, Dora the Explorer has had such a strong following among preschoolers, catapulting it into the number one preschool show on commercial television,” says Gina Sirard, vice president of marketing for Mattel. “Girls really identify with Dora and we knew that girls would love to have their friend Dora grow up with them, and experience the new things that they were going through themselves. The brand captures girls’ existing love of Dora and marries it with the fashion doll play and online experiences older girls enjoy.”
So, starting this fall, Dora has this new look, a new voice (acted by 12-year old Caitlin Sanchez, who is actually fluent in Spanish), and a new outlook on exploring. Dora will teach some multi-word Spanish phrases. And every episode is going to feature Dora meeting a new friend from a different background. She will spend her time on mysteries like, “How do I save the planet?” The solution: planting trees! She’s also going to use a little more math. These things add up to make her a good role model in many ways.
I really hope, despite all this
ridiculous negativity, that Mattel's new doll is a success...I think that this could be a really positive role model for kids to follow! Kudos to Mattel =)