26 years ago I became a big sister! My new little sister was named Jennie Amanda and I loved her immediately -- or so I was told by my parents...but by the pictures of me smothering her and covering her with kisses, it must've been true.
Jenn and I have always had a great relationship. We have so much fun together and really are best friends, not just sisters. There is no one who can make me laugh harder than her...her hijinx usually leave me laughing so loud and hard, I am crying by the end. She is a wonderful person who has a big heart and is so much fun to be around.
She is my mirror, shining back at me with a world of possibilities. She is my witness, who sees me at my worst and best, and loves me anyway. She is my partner in crime, my midnight companion, someone who knows when I am smiling, even in the dark. Love you, sissy! Happy Birthday!!!!

Also, celebrating a birthday today is my amazing brother-in-law, Dennis. He is DHs younger brother. As DH and I have been together forever, I've known Dennis since he was 10years old - and I love him like he is my own brother. Happy Birthday, Den! Love you!!!!

aweee. make me cry - i love you sissy!!!