Why does a baby's first year go by so quickly. It still feels like yesterday that I held him for the very first time, saw his first smile and heard his very first laugh. Babies learn so much in their first year...rolling, crawling, sitting on their own, sleeping through the night (oh wait, has Budderoo even done that yet?), standing, cruising, and then walking. Each milestone my babies reach, makes me so proud. "You have never experienced true love until you look into the eyes of your child"
Becoming a parent has been the most amazing thing I have done in my life. Each day there are so many new joys. The love I have for HoneyPie and Budderoo...I can't even put it into words.

When I lay you down to sleep at night, I kiss your tiny lips and wonder at how very much I love you.
In the morning when you rise, I look into my heart and find that somewhere in the night I grew to love you even more.
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