Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kids Say the Cutest Things...especially HoneyPie


HoneyPie can make DH and I laugh at the drop of a hat. She is so cute / funny! Here are some of the things that I can remember from the last few days.

HoneyPie: "Look, there's a factory!"
Mommy: "You're right! What do you think they make in there?"
HoneyPie: "Ummmm"....(thinking)...maybe pancakes and waffles?"

Budderoo: speaking in toddler gibberish
HoneyPie: giggles "Listen, Mommy...he's using French words"

While listening to Dangerous by Kardinall Ofishall and Akon
HoneyPie: "Mommy, why is she dangerous"
Mommy: "Well, she treats boys badly and breaks their hearts"
HoneyPie: "How does she break them? Steps on them?"

HonePie gave her brother a big hug after naptime today.
HoneyPie: "ah, he's so cute...I want to keep him...let's keep him....No one is going to take away MY baby"

HoneyPie keeps us laughing all the time - so adorable!


  1. That is too cute... I really like the one about making pancakes and waffles!!

  2. I wish I had a tape recorder sometimes. Adam asked me this morning when we have french toast for breakfast. I told him on Saturday we could have it. He then said everyday was Saturday in Regina (my Mom made him french toast every day it seems).
