Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.
Oprah Winfrey
Happy 2010! I can't believe it's been 10 years since we rang in 2000 and us all waiting for the Y2K bug. Gosh, how things have changed since then - New Year's Eve 2000 - a drunken night at DH's house (back then he was still living at his parents) with 4 other couples. It was lots of fun - we were looking at pics the other night, man, we all looked so young. I was only 21 at that time.
Fast forward to New Years Eve 2010 - a night with 2 other couples and 6 kids under 6. Not even a sip of an alcoholic beverage - it was a fun night with some old and new friends. Was nice to think we rang in 2000 and 2010 with the Crummy's. Hooray for good friends!
Well, I've never been one to make resolutions - I always think about them, they usually involve exercise, eating better, etc....they usually go in one "year" and out the other. (hee hee) So instead of making the dreaded list of new year's resolutions, I thought about some goals I'd like to set for this year.
Mmm....let's see....
1) Get to goal!
I've been doing weight watchers for almost a year. I have lost 23lbs so far, I wish it were more - but I know it's my own fault - I indulge...a little too often. I have to try and be more positive about my weight loss and not say "I've ONLY lost 23lbs" but be more proud of the fact I HAVE lost 23lbs. This was taken at Christmas...showing off a new outfit/accessories that DH bought me - but it also shows how far I've come since I joined in January/08.

2) Enjoy life more!
Over the last year or so, I've lost sight of who I am as a a person - I am a wife and a mother - but other than that...not so sure anymore. So this year, I hope I can figure out what I like to do - and do it! We are in the middle of renovations on my new daycare playroom - I plan to take a corner of it's space and create a pretty awesome scrapbooking space - Maybe something like this (ha ha)

I LOVE to scrapbook but can't seem to find the time. Once I get everything organized - I vow to get back at it. And finally finish Buddaroo's pregnancy album and start his first year album LOL - I'm so behind.
3) Be more patient!
Lately, I find I use up most of my energy throughout the day running the daycare and dealing with the children, that by the time the evening comes - my patience for my own kids runs very thin. I am going to try have more patience...which in turn equals more fun with my kids.

4) Read more!
I really enjoy reading - and I have a few new books that I received for Christmas that I really want to get started on - Instead of watching some silly shows in the evening, I plan to do a bit of reading. There are so many wonderful books out there - now that my kids go to bed so well - there's lots of time for reading.

Well, so far, that's all I have - and I know that my list is far from over.
I'll keep working on it - just like I'm going to keep working on ME!
Happy New Year, friends.
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