Today was a great day!
I guess it started off last night, when Budderoo got up at 1:30am screaming...I was having trouble getting him back to sleep, so as DH was just coming to bed he offered to bring him in to sleep with him, while I catch up on sleep in the spare room. I can't tell you how great it was to sleep in a bed all by myself. I always end up in the spare room with Budderoo, and sometimes it was great to sleep in til 7:45, getting up with my alarm...not when the kids wanted me to.
HoneyPie had her Music & Movement class this morning at our area's rec centre. This is just her 2nd class but she really seems to enjoy it. I wanted to sign her up for something where I had to drop her off. With me being home with her, she has never attended preschool or daycare...I was worried that she may have a hard time adjusting to starting kindergarten in September...but she runs in there and seems to have a great time. When I went to pick her up a couple hours later, the kids were in the gym doing an action game and playing with the parachute. They planted sunflower seeds in a cup and she decorated it with pretty stickers. I LOVE sunflowers. I hope that it grows well, perhaps be as gorgeous as this:

Later that afternoon, I took her to my salon to get her hair cut. HoneyPie was bald at birth and her hair has taken forever to grow. She's only had her hair cut 3 times in her almost 4 years, and most times it was only for a bang trim. We've always gone to the kid places, like Melonheads or Sharkey's Cuts for Kids...but haven't been thrilled with their jobs lately. So, we decided to take her to my salon where my stylist fixed her bangs (they had cut way too much bang, so now we need to grow a bunch out) and put some nice layers in her
unruly curly hair. She loved sitting in the big chair and got to hold a Nemo Webkinz toy during her cut.
Pizza for dinner. I know, I know...not the healthiest choice - but I couldn't think of anything for dinner...and really didn't feel like making anything - so we used our free Topper's pizza coupon (collected enough stickers to get a free medium)...and it was GOOD! Budderoo LOVED it, HoneyPie is not a big fan of pizza, so getting her to finish one piece took a LONG time. After dinner, we joined our neighbours across the street for some drinks (me, Diet pop, DH, beer) while the kids played.
We moved to our new street, a court, last August and it has been wonderful. We have the friendliest neighbours anyone can ask for and they welcomed us to their group the night we moved in. Once the weather is nice, everyone gathers across the street and the
dads boys play big games of street hockey, while the girls chalk up a storm or jump on M&S's trampoline....once the kids are in bed, the parents reconvene out on the street where there is usually a poker game set up under the street lights. We were out tonight until after 9 and had a great time catching up with everyone after the long, cold winter. They are a really great group.
I just finished 31 minutes on the treadmill after getting the kids to bed. Am now feeling a bit's after 11:30 so I should get to bed. HoneyPie has dance in the morning. Only 5 more classes before her first recital. HoneyPie loves her dance class...and she is so cute doing her little routine. Can't wait til the big show.

Night Night,
~ Hollie