I want a yogurt! I want a diet Coke! I want a bowl of cereal! I want a bowl of pasta.....SO BADLY! Today is the day where I am craving everything I am not allowed to have. I am miserable! I am bitchy! I'm really tired! I feel like garbage! I have been to the bathroom so many times today I have lost count! This program better be worth all this crap (ha, literally). I have a horrible headache...Can you tell I'm in a bad mood?
And it's ticking me off that DH doesn't seem to be suffering like I am. He's chipper, lost more weight and hardly going to the bathroom at all. He does have a head ache but man...could you have some diarrhea already? Eeek...that's way TMI!

Totally got off topic there...I'm sure the girls reading didn't mind the hot-guy distraction. =D Anyway....
Breakfast - same as yesterday - Oatmeal and fruit.
Lunch - vegetable fried rice and salad with basic oil and lemon dressing (took that recipe from the cookbook)
I have come to the conclusion that I am not a huge fan of olive oil. We have never really used olive oil, and now all the recipes call for it. Blech!
8:00 pm
This afternoon was a bit better. Still feeling quite irritable and I feel badly as my patience with the kids isn't quite there today. We went to Costco right after all the kids had left and stocked up on some yummy fish and lots of fruits and vegetables. Came home and made dinner
Rainbow Trout
Brown Rice

DH is at baseball tonight, so the kids and I are watching The Goonies (for the 2nd time this week) and then I think I will get to bed early. Perhaps a good night's sleep will help me feel better tomorrow - lots to do while DH is at a golf tournament.So until tomorrow...
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